Our Media Relations Officers are the official spokespersons for the Halton Regional Police Service and act as the primary liaisons between the police service and the media.
Communications for emergency and major incidents
Whenever feasible, the Halton Regional Police Service will provide information to the public on emergencies and major incidents. Such information is released through direct notification to media agencies and postings to our website and Twitter account. If necessary, the information will include alert or warning messages and instructions.
The immediate release of information will be dependent on public, victim and officer safety concerns as well as investigative integrity.
Are you a member of a media outlet and have an inquiry?
For media inquiries, please call 905-825-4899 or email CorpComm@haltonpolice.ca.
Hours of availability are Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm.
For after hours requests, please contact the on-duty Staff Sergeant for each district.
Oakville: 905-825-4777 ext. 2210
Burlington: 905-825-4777 ext. 2310
Milton and Halton Hills: 905-825-4777 ext. 2410

Two Charged in Milton Home Invasion
Posted on Friday, February 14, 2025 01:29 PM
The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) has arrested two males and laid multiple charges in response to an armed home invasion in Milton.
On January 12, 2025, at 12:52 am three suspects broke into a home in the area of Walnut Landing and Proud Drive where two of the suspects armed with handguns, the third brandishing a hammer, confronted an adult male resident of the home while a second adult female hid within the residence. Designer clothing items, jewelry, bank cards and the keys to a Dodge...
Fatal Single Motor Vehicle Collision in Oakville
Posted on Friday, February 14, 2025 08:37 AM
On February 13th, 2025, the Halton Regional Police Service responded to a serious motor vehicle collision on Bristol Circle, south of Plymouth Drive in the Town of Oakville. The initial investigation indicated that shortly before 9:44pm, a grey Porsche SUV was travelling eastbound on Bristol Circle and left the roadway before colliding with a light standard. The driver of the Porsche, a 31 year old man from Hamilton, was transported to a trauma centre where he was pronounced dead. The passenger...

Police Arrest Six People in Stolen Vehicle Investigation
Posted on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 01:56 PM
The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) has made six arrests and laid multiple charges after an investigation into a stolen vehicle.
On February 7, 2025, at approximately 3:15 am police were called to an Oakville residence in the area of Dundas Street and Sixth Line after an alert resident noticed thieves attempting to steal the license plate attached to the vehicle in their driveway. The resident switched on the lights to the home prompting the thieves to flee.
Police investigation eventually...

Police make a splash with Polar Plunge Fundraiser
Posted on Thursday, February 06, 2025 05:06 PM
The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) cranked up the fun and dialed down the temps on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, hosting its inaugural Halton Polar Plunge in support of Special Olympics Ontario.
More than 65 brave HRPS members and community partners – including HRPS Deputy Chiefs Roger Wilkie, Jeff Hill, and Kevin Maher – literally broke the ice when they took their leaps of faith into the outdoor cold-water tank stationed at the HRPS Headquarters in Oakville.
The HRPS would like to thank...

Milton "Chop Shop" Shut Down for Third Time
Posted on Thursday, February 06, 2025 11:53 AM
The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) has arrested a male and laid multiple charges after a stolen vehicle was located at a rural address in Milton.
On January 19, 2025, members of the HRPS Organized Crime Unit began an investigation into a stolen vehicle that had been found by Halton officers at Khan Traders located at 4446 Trafalgar Road in Milton. The recovered vehicle had been reported stolen from Toronto in 2024. A criminal code search warrant was executed with further evidence...