When you are charged with an offence that warrants fingerprinting, the Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) keep a record of your fingerprints.

If you are later found not guilty of the offence, you may apply to have your fingerprints and/or photographs destroyed. To qualify, the charges must be withdrawn, dismissed, discharged, or stayed, and you must not have a previous criminal record. In addition, you must wait at least 60 days after your last court date before submitting an application.

How to Apply for Fingerprint Destruction
Law Firms or Third-party CompaniesIndividuals Requesting Personal DestructionOther Ways to Apply




Those who qualify to have their fingerprints and/or photographs destroyed may submit their request either ONLINE using the forms linked above or by mailing in the completed fingerprint destruction application form. If your disposition was Stayed or a Peace Bond, a processing fee of $33.90 applies.

Other Ways to Apply

  • By Mail

    When requesting fingerprint destruction by mail, please send the fingerprint destruction application form and fee to:

    Halton Regional Police Service
    Attention: Information and Records Services
    2485 North Service Road West
    Oakville, Ontario L6M 3H8

    Note that it may take up to one year for your application to be fully processed.

  • In Person

    Applications can also be submitted in person at HQ.  In person options for payment of the application fee include cash, Debit, Visa, and MasterCard.

Law Firms or Third-Party Companies

Law firms and third-party companies can now apply online.  Please upload a signed authorization or a consent form addressed to the Halton Regional Police Service with your request. Note the consent can be on your company letterhead rather than the consent form. Failure to provide your client’s authorization will delay your request. 

Contact Information

For more information, please contact:
Information and Records Services
Phone: 905-825-4777 ext. 5430