Motor vehicles are key components of our day-to-day lives and are of high-value. As a result, they are often the target of crime.
Help us help you. We need you to be our eyes and ears.
Call 905-825-4777 if your vehicle is stolen or if you see suspicious vehicles or persons (unfamiliar, unusual, loitering) in your neighbourhood.
Call 911 if you witness a crime in progress or a dangerous situation.
Relay and Reprogramming Theft Prevention Tips
Relay and reprogramming thefts of high-end vehicles with keyless entry and push start technology are becoming increasingly common.
The majority of the vehicles are being stolen from residential driveways, usually in the overnight hours.
Secure your vehicle with the following tips:
Park your vehicle in a locked/secure garage, if possible.
Lock the onboard diagnostic port using a simple device (that can be purchased online) that blocks access to where thieves reprogram the vehicle’s key fob
Use a steering wheel locking device to deter theft
Invest in an aftermarket global positioning system (GPS) tracker as it may assist in recovery of the vehicle if it is stolen
- When not in use, place vehicle key fob inside a radio frequency shielding bag/pouch to block cell signals
Consider purchasing a quality video surveillance system and ensure your cameras are properly placed and functioning for 24-hour use
Additional Vehicle Theft Prevention Tips
While there is no guaranteed prevention measure against vehicle theft, the Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) can provide you with following precautions:
- Always lock all of your vehicle's doors and windows after entering and exiting it.
- Never leave your vehicle unattended with the engine running, even for a few seconds. Turn off the ignition and take the keys with you.
- Vehicle Contents:
- Never hide a spare key in your car or outside your residence
- Never leave personal identification or valuables in your vehicle
- Remove technologic and other removable accessories from view when not in your vehicle
- Invest in anti-theft devices:
- Ignition or fuel kill switches
- Steering wheel, gearshift, and hood locks
- Steering column collar
- Electric alarm
Precautions in Case of Theft
Unfortunately, despite all efforts to prevent vehicle theft, it still occurs. In case of theft, the HRPS encourages you to:
- Record the following information and store in a safe place:
- Year, make, model, and colour of your vehicle
- Licence plate and vehicle identification numbers
- Serial numbers for any special equipment
- Any dents or scratches that distinguish your vehicle from others
- Drop a business card down the panel doors to assist police with identifying the vehicle's registered owner
Download a PDF version of these Vehicle Theft Prevention Tips.